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Share the delicacies from Dried Leather Jacket Fish

Introduction of dried leather jacket fish

Leather jacket fish is a genus in the family of cowfish - the scientific name is Balistidae, there are about 42 species, in the types of cowfish, the cowfish is the boxfish (starfish), the armored cowfish, and the cowfish.

There is a place called cow skin fish or paper cow fish. This fish usually lives quite far from the shore, in the sea with many coral reefs or reefs, so it is difficult to catch. The fish has a long, slender and flat body, small scales, thick rough skin like armor, light gray color.

Leather jacket fish live at depths of 0 - 50m, alone or in pairs, but sometimes in groups of 5 or 6, at depths of at least more than 10 meters. Small fish often stay near large jellyfish, near rocky shores, large fish can hide on rocks near rocky shores in deep water.

Leather jacket fish when grown weighs more than one kilogram, the skin is very thick like a protective "armor", when peeling off this skin, the beef skin is white in color, delicious, sweet and chewy like chicken, looks like chicken. It's very attractive, so many people like it. Therefore, leather jacket fish is also known as "sea chicken" because of its firm, sweet and natural meat, as delicious as garden chicken.

In particular, fish bones are cartilaginous bones, very soft, for those who lack calcium can eat fish bones to supplement calcium for the body. Besides, leather jacket fish gives us many useful nutrients, good quality, very useful for health thanks to its rich in amino acids, vitamins A, D, B12.

In addition, leather jacket fish contains a high amount of lipids, creates more fat, and the meat is more pliable than other fish so dried leather jacket fish delicious and nutritious beef skin will definitely be an attractive delicacy.

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Delicious dishes from dried leather jacket fish

Grilled beef jerky: in the processing methods, grilled dried leather jacket fish is the most widely used because it is one of the simplest cooking methods, it is also quite simple but still retains its delicious taste of fish.

During the baking process, you should pay attention to the temperature and time to ensure the fish is just cooked, to be able to keep the sweetness and deliciousness of the fish. Then cut into small pieces to eat, can add chili sauce depending on the taste of each person.

Beef skin dry salad: this is a dish that is a blend of sour - spicy - salty - sweet spices when there is a combination of chili, mango and the characteristic chewy taste of dried beef skin. Dried leather jacket fish salad is also a favorite drink of men in gatherings of friends or family, used as an appetizer. This is a cool dish with easy-to-find ingredients, so it is loved by many people.

Dried leather jacket fish with sesame skin: chewy, spicy, bold pieces of dried leather jacket fish, combined with sweet and sour spices and greasy, non-fatty sesame seeds that bring a passionate aroma will be a dish snacks make you satisfied right from the first enjoyment.

With the sharing as well as suggestions about the dishes about dried leather jacket fish above, hopefully the above article has partly helped customers to understand this fish better. Currently, in Ho Chi Minh City, there are many addresses that sell dried leather jacket fish, but it is not easy to find a reputable and quality address.

ETTE INTERIOR Company is committed to our dried leather jacket fish, which is processed according to modern technological processes, with strict, uniform management and high quality assurance. Products are certified for food safety and hygiene, so the products that reach consumers always keep their outstanding delicious taste.

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